Hey Yall!
Welcome back !
i hope everyone enjoyed last weeks stickers, please let me know if you had any problems or if something was wrong so i can make everything better ! i love sharing what i can do, but i'm still a beginner, so if anyone knows any tips + tricks don't hesitate to comment below !
Totally forgot to introduce my planner to you! I have the hellolifeplanner happy planner, purchased at hobby lobby! I customized mine, by keeping it simple, and adding my name with sticky vinyl and using my cricut.
Totally forgot to introduce my planner to you! I have the hellolifeplanner happy planner, purchased at hobby lobby! I customized mine, by keeping it simple, and adding my name with sticky vinyl and using my cricut.
Raise your hand if you used your 60% off Michael's ? I did, but late, and with a whiny baby... I didn't find anything i realllllly wanted.
I did find some super cute stickers by MAMBI - however this particular set, I could not find on the mambi website or michael's. please let me know if you find them or a link to them.
Okay. now let's get to the good stuff. Below, is your FREE printable for the week. it seems a little blurry on screen. please let me know if it comes out bad when printed, so I can come up with a solution. I have found that when printing on high quality the sheets come out soooooo much better !! Here's mine, using my printable! sometimes i just put a little washi, but since it is the beginning of the month, and I start my senior year of college, I thought I would step up my game. (let's see how long that lasts) lol
Please share with me if you use any of these ! i would love to see !
Tag Me on instagram:
@adventureswithaiden and use the hashtag #PlanWithMel
Add me on facebook: Melissa Lee Aleman
(links on the right)
oxoxox, mel
I LOVE THIS so much! I also plan a lot, but I bullet journal, it's cheaper :D